Mibo Geschäft ist am Freitag, den 28. März 2025 geschlossen


JETEC E-70 retractable Ducted Fan 70mm System

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620,98 € 509,00 €
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Mig Flight JETEC E-70 retractable Ductef Fan 70mm System for gliders up to 5kg (1:6). Full system including 70mm EDF unit and Hitec servo (installed and programmed) and your choice of motor (option).

  • Question :Dear sir I have 3.5 MTR prismaray slope glider and want to fit a retractable fan unit it weighs about 9 kg could you recommend a unit. Many thanks Graham

  • Answer :Hello Graham,we don't know this glider so we cannot advise you. Regarding weight which you wrote you will need at least E90 or even E100 unit depending on available space in fuselage. Best regards,