2.5mm Hex Driver Wrench

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8,70 € 7,13 €
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Pošlji povpraševanje

The RUDDOG 2.5mm Hex Driver Wrench is an essential tool for every modeler who assembles and maintains RC models with hex screws. The ergonomic, red anodized aluminum handle ensures comfortable and slip-free handling, while the precisely crafted and durable HSS steel tip allows for clean and accurate work.


  • 2.5mm hex driver wrench for RC hobby enthusiast
  • Ergonomic, red anodized aluminum handle for comfortable handling
  • Precisely crafted and durable HSS steel tip for clean and accurate work
  • Ideal for assembly and maintenance of RC models with hex screws
Gratis poštnina nad 90€
Gratis poštnina nad 90€

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