Trgovina Mibo bo v petek, 28.3.2025, ZAPRTA zarada službene poti!

Mini Vision SpreadTow

0% of 100
891,00 € 730,33 €
Prednaročilo (7-21 dni)
Obvesti me, ko bo izdelek na voljo

Potrebujete dodatne informacije o izdelku ali vas zanima naročilo večje količine? Pokličite nas na 041 669 111 ali pa nam pošljite povpraševanje.

Pošlji povpraševanje

You asked for it, and we got it....

The new mini Vision is a highly efficient 2-metre class model that is equally at home on the slope in thermal soaring and on a flat field. Used airfoil has already been well-proven on our competition sailplanes since it ensures excellent soaring characteristics of the model in a wide range of weather conditions.

The 2-piece hollow molded wing made from Spread-Carbon/Herex sandwich has 5 degree of dihedral combined with the wide chord flaps and ailerons that produce an outstanding soaring capability along with a wide speed range. The flaps allow camber changing of the wing section in all phases of flight and crow braking for precision landings.
Wing has pre-set servo bays  for servo installation  with matching  servo covers.

The overall 2.4 GHz friendly fuse is constructed from glass with carbon fiber reinforcements. The canopy arrangement makes access easier than ever, granting immediate entry to the interior and the pre-installed pushrod area. In electric version of mini Vision the elevator servo could be mounted directly under the elevator in fin area. The rudder linkage is factory installed.
The removable tailplane and two-piece wings make the mini Vision easy to transport

If you want an electric powered model, no problem.
It is easy to cut-off the nose, glue a firewall for fixing the motor and that's it.

  • Vprašanje :I would like to buy one. When will it become available again? I was flying one for more than 10 Years and the mini vision is a fantastic plane. Mini broke now during tow launch (wing broke apart) and I would like to buy a replacement.

  • Odgovor :Hello, MiniVision we make on order. Just let me know your color choice! It will takes min 4-6 Weeks! Regards, Janja

  • Vprašanje :Hallo, kann man den Mini Vision bestellen?

  • Odgovor :Hallo, Ja, sie können MiniVision bestellen. bitte senden sie und Ihre Farbwunsche. Liferzeit ist 6-8 Wochen! Gruss Janja

  • Vprašanje :Hallo Ich bin an einem Mini Vision interessiert. Können sie mir bitte eine Angebot machen inkl. Kabelset und Flächentaschen? Mit Liefertermin? Besten Dank. Freundliche Grüsse Gino Lucchi Einfangstrasse 9 CH-8304 Wallisellen Schweiz/Switzerland

  • Odgovor :Hallo, Mini Vision ist gemacht nach Bestellung. Bitte sendne sie mir weche Farbe wollen sie? Gruss Janja

  • Vprašanje :Hello, can you send a MiniVision kit complete to the US? Do offer a service to deliver all servos installed. Hope to hear from you. Thank you.

  • Odgovor :Hello, thanks for your mail. Yes we normally ship to US. We can sent with DHL (takes 4-6 days) or Air Maila (10-20 days). Let me know your wishes. Regrdsm Janja

Gratis poštnina nad 90€
Gratis poštnina nad 90€

Narejeno v Sloveniji.
Izdelano v Evropi.
Dostavljeno po vsem svetu.

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