Clipper sailboat

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49,90 € 40,90 €
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Pošlji povpraševanje

Ship model building in the best way suitable. The simple construction of the hull takes place on the boat deck, on this the frames, the keel and the sword are simply put on and glued. The hull bottom and the side parts are made of thin plywood and ready to be glued on. The boat can be operated without or with a remote control with a servo for the rudder. The ballast on the saber is made of a round steel, so the usual lead is not used. With this model the young model builder gets to know the frame construction and the basic knowledge of model sailing.

This kit is so well prepared that no tools are required for building, the wooden parts are all punched out and the aluminium tubes for the mast and the trees are already cut to the right length. The wire fittings are already bent and ready to be pushed onto the aluminium tubes.

As aids are needed: Pins and adhesive film.

The kit contains all wooden parts, fittings, rudders, glue and detailed instructions in German, English, French, Italian and Spanish.

Length [mm] 480
Width [mm] 97
Height [mm] 610

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Pregledujete:Clipper sailboat
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Gratis poštnina nad 90€
Gratis poštnina nad 90€

Narejeno v Sloveniji.
Izdelano v Evropi.
Dostavljeno po vsem svetu.

Pomoč strankam
Pomoč strankam

Tel +386 1 759 01 01

WhatsApp:  + 386 41 669 111
Viber:  + 386 41 669 111


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