Trgovina Mibo bo v petek, 28.3.2025, ZAPRTA zarada službene poti!

Crack Wing Orange

0% of 100
31,00 € 25,41 €
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Pošlji povpraševanje

Crack Wing is 3D capable combat indoor/outdoor wing, ready for fast-paced aerobatics, fun combat, and spur of the moment flying with minimal investment. The Crack Wing's huge fins make for exceptional stability in low speeds, as well as easy and exciting vertical take-offs from any surface. The low weight and durable full EPP construction make this airplane perform great while remaining incredibly durable, all without breaking the bank. The Crack Wing boasts a wide speed range and quick construction, making it an ideal spec combat plane or just a bunch of no-frills fun for pilots of any skill level. Available in several color schemes. Developed in collaboration with Twisted Hobbys.

Gratis poštnina nad 90€
Gratis poštnina nad 90€

Narejeno v Sloveniji.
Izdelano v Evropi.
Dostavljeno po vsem svetu.

Pomoč strankam
Pomoč strankam

Tel +386 1 759 01 01

WhatsApp:  + 386 41 669 111
Viber:  + 386 41 669 111


Med odpiralnim časom trgovine in po predhodnem dogovoru med 8:00-14:00 .