Trgovina Mibo bo v petek, 28.3.2025, ZAPRTA zarada službene poti!

LED servo tester

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18,00 € 14,75 €
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Pošlji povpraševanje

The GT Power LED servo tester is the next level up from our basic manual tester. This model allows you to connect up to four servos simultaneous and includes an LED display which shows you the pulse width in real-time. Why do you need a servo tester? - This portable device allows you to test the functionality of your servos and ESC without having to connect your radio, receiver and battery. Servos testers also allow you to easily center your servos when attaching servo horns and making control surface adjustments. This time-saving tool is a must have tool for any RC enthusiast.


  • Dual mode - Manual and Automatic
  • Manual mode allows you to check the servo speed and reaction time
  • Automatic mode lets you drive the servo through its full travel from end-point to end-point (like windshield wipers)
  • 1 to 4 servos may be connected simultaneously
  • 3-digit LED displays pulse width in real-time


  • Input voltage: 4.8 - 6V
  • Pulse width manual mode: 700 - 2300ms
  • Pulse width auto mode: 800 - 2200ms
  • Dimensions: 73.5 x 43.5 x 22.5mm
  • Weight: 68.9g
Gratis poštnina nad 90€
Gratis poštnina nad 90€

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