OLFA Modelarski nož AK-1

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14,01 € 11,48 €
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Pošlji povpraševanje

Standard-duty art knife perfect to delicate work with it’s acutely pointed blade for precision.

OLFA’s pen-like knife features a contoured handle and textured grip for comfort and stability. Quick-spin easy blade change. This blade made from high quality carbon tool steel is produced using OLFA’s precise multi-step production process for unparalleled sharpness and superior edge retention. For right and left handed use.

Package includes 25 spare blades. Uses OLFA’s KB replacement blades.

Art Knife with 25 spare blades. Perfect for graphics designers & artists, this cutter feels as if you are holding a pen, however, it cuts with exact precision. This cutter is best suitable for delicate projects

Good for: arts, graphics, crafts and hobby use. For both personal use as well as industrial applications

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Pregledujete:OLFA Modelarski nož AK-1
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Gratis poštnina nad 90€
Gratis poštnina nad 90€

Narejeno v Sloveniji.
Izdelano v Evropi.
Dostavljeno po vsem svetu.

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