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1.549,40 € 1.270,00 €
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#Bestellformular / OrderSheet Spark

Warning: Please take notice about transport costs. Because of box size you are getting wrong information about shipping costs. Right shipping costs inside of EU are 50 EU

MIBO SPARK is a sport glider with “scale look” designed for slope flying.

The SPARK is a new addition to our fine selection of models. Wings were specifically developed and tested for competition - yet having the flight characteristics and good manners that also deliver a “scale look” sport machine for anyone that wants something that little bit special, with the presence in the air afforded by a F3B/F class airframe. If you are looking for a compact, fast, top quality model this is it!  The Carbon skins give this model a strong, light, and beautiful surface.

This model is capable of carrying lots of ballast. Fuselage is designed to be very easily converted to electric which gives you Hot Rod F5B style fun flying model.

Gratis poštnina nad 90€
Gratis poštnina nad 90€

Narejeno v Sloveniji.
Izdelano v Evropi.
Dostavljeno po vsem svetu.

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